1. To gain the ability of using statistical information.
  2. To gain the ability of collecting, organizing, analyzing of the data and interpretation of the obtained results.
  3. To gain the ability of performing individually and with teams in interdisciplinary.
  4. To gain the ability of determining, formulating and solving problems which are relatively mathematical but generally statistical.
  5. To gain the ability of designing and analyzing an experiment and interpreting the results.
  6. To gain the ability of having fundamental knowledge in Economics, Information Management and Social Science.
  7. To gain the ability of programming to solve statistical problems and using algorithms and statistical packages.
  8. To gain the ability to perform mathematical modeling for statistical events
  9. To gain the ability of having professional and ethical responsibility.
  10. To gain the ability to communicate effectively.
  11. To gain the ability of determining the accurate statistical modeling to solve the problems which can be encountered in real life and practicing
  12. To gain the ability of communicating effectively with team members and customers in work ethic as verbal and written.
  13. To gain the ability of analytical thinking.
  14. To gain the ability of the use of modern tools, skills and techniques which are required for scientific researches.
  15. To gain the ability of continuity of development profession.